New menu hierarchy

Notice that the menu at the top has been updated and consolidated. You can find my travel blog under Travel OR Chris in Tunisia under that… Considering that this site does have other authors and topics, it may be best to organize it in this manner....
Here’s to learning lessons…

Here’s to learning lessons…

It was bound to happen… after over two weeks of being in Tunisia, I finally came down sick. Not terribly sick, but enough to make me miserable for most of the day. I figured that harissa that was piled on to that questionable shawarma I bought just a block away...

Sorry about the lack of posts…

The school here has me pretty busy for most of the day, so there aren’t many interesting things to post about. I plan to visit the main town of Sousse, since I am currently north of Sousse in Hamman-Sousse, and I am sure I will have plenty to post after...